Padmavat by Purushottam Agrawal: Book Review

Title: Padmavat: An Epic Love Story

Author: Purushottam Agrawal & Illustrated by Devdutt Pattanaik

Publisher: Rupa Publishers

Publication Date: 20th May, 2018

My Rating: 4.5 stars

Links: Amazon Goodreads Instagram Twitter

Do you know what is Padmavat? Are you the one who thinks that it is a new formed word just removing “i” from the name ‘Padmavati’. Well, I was one such person who thought it until I read this book.

Honestly, I wondered earlier why the most hyped Bollywood movie on this same concept chose to title as Padmavat instead of Padmavati? And I did believe it to be just withdrawal of vowel “i” and I was weary enough to research about it. Such books are really need to be written for people like me!

Well, before starting with the review, I would like to define Padmavat in author’s context. ‘Padmavat’ is an epic poem written by medieval age Sufi Malik Muhammad Jayasi named after Queen Padmavati of Chittor.

“love turns humans into the divine”

In this book, the author brings in the real story of Queen Padmavati by translating and interpreting the epic poem ‘Padmavat’. The book holds the expositions and commentary of the poem and its stanzas.


The author has transcribed Jayasi’s Padmavat and has also compared interpretations of another authors’ version of Padmavat. For instance, in the chapter ‘A glimpse of Padmini’, the author recounts two versions of the Padmini which were written after Jayasi’s Padmavat. Chupai by Hemratan in 1588 and Baat by Jatmal in 1627.

In the Introduction part, the author has admired the man behind the poem, Malik Muhammad Jayasi and his substantial work. Jayasi was a Muslim, a Sufi in his belief, but Padmavat is not a Sufi discourse or manual in the guise of an epic poem.

“A devout Muslim, a knowledgeable ‘Indian seeker of Truth’. – author”

The book holds comments, comparisons and connotations retelling its readers what was real Padmavat in context of Jayasi’s narrative, portrayal of beautiful Padmavati, lover and valiant rajput Ratansen and obsessed Alauddin Khilji.

Moreover, the book has been embellished by alluring illustrations which has been done by Devdutt Pattanaik.

The author has deftly translated Jayasi’s Padmavat and it was delightful reading his profound narration.


Why to read this book

The moment the book came into my hand, I was eager to read what’s there in store in this mesmeric book and equally excited to read Padmavati and Ratansen’s epic love story.

Well! I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to everyone to get an insight of Jayasi’s Padmavat.


Have you happened to read this book? Or already read it?

Do share your thoughts in the comments below.






19 thoughts on “Padmavat by Purushottam Agrawal: Book Review

  1. Thanks for sharing… I shall have to take time to go through your list… I have an open mind about reading and therefore try not to restrict myself with the subject matter .. Life is complicated and not contained to a few ideologies, therefore in order to better understand the universe, I need to explore all of it, not just the parts I like….. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well!! Yeah!! one should never restrict to a particular gnere!! One must explore!
      I myself not restricted to few genres, I read almost all of them except few creepy ones!!
      I must say you should take out time for reading!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I do read daily though I use a Kindle, books a little less expensive and do not have to worry about storage… at this time into romance, have a few lesbian romance also, they have a heart too… 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I understand… I recently downloaded (but haven’t read yet) a book called ” At First Bite” about a female vampire falling in love… can a vampire fall in love, one wonders?… can’t get anymore intriguing than that, eh?… 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

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